PGP Interactions
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Go to PGP Version 1 through 4.5
Go to PGP Version 5.0 through 6.5.2
Go to PGP Version 7 and above
GnuPG versions before 1.0.0
Not intended for production use.
GnuPG 1.0.0-1.0.1
GnuPG (sometimes called "GPG") is a GNU public-key encryption program that uses
the same standards as PGP. GNU is a type of software license that says (essentially)
the software is free to use, but if you change the source code, you must make your
revisions available to the public. Go to theGNU Project
and the Free Software Foundation web site for more information about GNU software
in general. GPG is available at the GnuPG web
From the distributed source code, GnuPG does not support the use or creation of
RSA keys. However, plugins are
available that will allow GnuPG to use (but not create) RSA keys.
GnuPG version 1.0.1-1.0.2
GnuPG version 1.0.3
- Uses built-in RSA code rather than the modules described above. It still
does not allow the creation of RSA keys.
GnuPG version 1.0.4
- Fixes a serious bug surrounding multiple signatures in a message.
Note: The released GnuPG 1.0.4 contains two (minor) bugs:
- Will not create ~/.gnupg directory if it doesn't already exist
(workaround: create it yourself).
- Will warn that AES algorithm is depreciated and to use another (patch available
GnuPG version 1.0.4g & version 1.0.4h
- Development versions of GnuPG, released on 4/6/01 and 4/19/01, respectively. See
the announcement for version 1.0.4g
for more information. (I lost the announcement for version 1.0.4h, but you can
read it
GnuPG version 1.0.5
- Offers several improvements and bugfixes. See the
announcement for more information. Released 4/29/2001.
GnuPG version 1.0.6
- Fixes several bugs including an exploitable hole. See the
announcement for more information. Released 5/29/2001.
GnuPG version 1.0.7
- Includes several new features, such as support for photo IDs, better
operability with other OpenPGP products, and RSA key generation.
See the announcement for more
information. Released 4/30/2002.
GnuPG version 1.2.0
- Includes quite a few new features. See the
announcement for more information. Released 9/22/2002.
GnuPG version 1.2.1
- Bugfix release, mostly. The announcement is available
- A day or two later, Werner released an updated version that fixed a problem
with Windows NT builds. Read his
GnuPG version 1.2.2
- Fixes a bug in the key validation code--upgrading to 1.2.2 is
- A couple other improvements for future advancements as well as
some other bugfixes. Announcement
available here.
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Written by RJ Marquette on 12/10/97. Version 2.1.4 4/21/2001.
Copyright © 2000 RJ Marquette.